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Internationally Recognized Waldorf Educator, Author, Artist & Activist

Nancy Jewel Poer Spiritual Life Coach

Nancy Poer, Waldorf educator and spiritual life coach, is a passionate advocate for young children and families and the dying. She is considered the grandmother of the Home Death Movement and produced an award winning documentary on conscious dying. Nancy is a pilot, long time activist for healthy food, mother of six, grandmother of many and for fun, she jumps out of airplanes.

"The Angel Children's Journey"
~A new book by Nancy Jewel Poer

A profound tale about Karma and Reincarnation,  simply told and artfully rendered for all generations. 

Book Reviews

Mia's Apple Tree

“This children’s Book, Mia’s Apple Tree, helps explain the connections to all the wonders and beauty of the universe through a child’s eyes. Guardian Angels, fairies, gnomes, rainbow bridge and all the rest of nature's spiritual helpers----this books will keep your child’s imagination alive! A wonderful gift for any child..”  -Jeri

The Tear and Mia's Apple Tree

“The Tear is a fully illustrated tender story of the love between  a little boy and his grandmother and their connection after she passes.

A beautiful way to give support to children and families with the death of a loved one.   


“Mia's Apple Tree is a favorite of ours to give as a gift at baby showers and for small children's birthdays. Parents with hearts and minds wide open to the wonder of childhood, as well as small children, all love receiving this book that shares truths gently, beautifully and wondrously. Children respond to fairies, angels and a tender tale of Nature and Heaven's intertwining in their own life -- they sense a deep, simple truth! Mia's Apple Tree is a joy to give, a joy to read -- and the illustrations, by the author, are filled with lovely color!.” ~ Suzanne  

Mia's Apple Tree

We’ve fallen in love with the beautiful pictures and touching narrative in Mia’s Apple Tree.  Thank you so much for sharing your gifts of inspired story telling and illustrations through your books.Prudence Tippins, Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School

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New book - available in both

PDF download and spiral bound hard copy

This is being offered at cost  to make it available for those seeking deeper awareness of our incredible time in world evolution and who can stand up for spiritual freedom now

America 2022 

Romanism, Christ/Michael/Sophia and the Incarnation of the Anti Christ

In this book Nancy Poer takes us on a remarkable “journey of truth” spanning the ghosts of the Roman empire, still lurking in the collective subconscious of this nation, to Soloviev’s prophetic insights on the incarnation of Antichrist for which we have seemingly prepared such a welcoming place.,,. This is battle for the consciousness soul which summons us to face the evil and transform it into “invincible good”.


For those who have heard the call and wish to rise to the challenge, this timely book will be an invaluable source of inspiration and a practical guide on how to make a positive contribution. “


Branko Furst, M.D.

Mentoring Support For Families

Nancy has volunteered community death care and consulting for nearly four decades, as well as traveling and lecturing to aid other communities to help take care of their own. While she never refuses those that call in distress and need, especially during tragic and sudden deaths where she can help with practical advice and spiritual context, she is now in another situation where monetary support is needed and welcomed.


Consultations can be arranged for $60 per session on death and dying issues, parenting and a spiritual view of child development. If any are experiencing an emergency yet are unable to schedule a consultation due to financial difficulty, contact Nancy and other arrangements can be made.


She is deeply committed to giving aid and support to the families and babies coming in now in the time she has left.


Nancy has been there with many families to console, and aid  in ensouling the shocking loss especially around the death of a child. One family (obviously a very special couple) expressed their gratitude in the following words when she counseled them through the death of their child with fatal genetic issues. 


"...we are overwhelmed with gratitude for you...words fall are an angel of light and love...we have been so abundantly blessed to have your friendship during this critical time in our lives-...guiding us, holding us, lifting us, inspiring us. Thank you, thank you, thank you... We cannot imagine what this experience would have been without you and our incredible community...we were given a gift of courage, strength, joy, love and peace throughout."


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Nancy Jewel Poer lectures and consults nationally on parenting and child development, Waldorf education, women's issues, threshold work with death and dying and the spiritual America.


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by Nancy Jewel Poer


by Nancy Jewel Poer


by Nancy Jewel Poer

Award winning documentary on conscious dying

The Most Excellent Dying of Theodore Jack Heckleman a film by Nancy Jewel Poer and documentary on conscious dying.

Winner of National Telly Award & International Accolade Award

The Most Excellent Dying of Theodore Jack Heckleman

Science can diagnose illnesses and even cure them, but it cannot teach us to die well.  That comes from a deep spiritual choice..This is the story of a man who did it.

film trailer

“I have seldom seen a film that captures so sensitively,and with such honesty and hope, the death of someone so loved and loving."



-Johnathan Stedall, 

Internationally known BBC film maker, producing documentaries of  the lives of Ghandi, Carl Jung, and many more.

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