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Ruby Sky Covelo

This soil is from Round Valley, (Covelo) California where this  sixteen year old girl was slain on April 15, 2023,  one of many tragic on going deaths in the valley.  This area is known as the “California Trail of Tears” where many disparate tribes were marched  and placed together by the government. Then ranchers came and took over two thirds of the valley which is the caldera of a volcano with rich deep soil and good year round water. Logging was a major industry. Here also has been earth healing gardening initiatives -bio dynamic, french intensive agriculture work and a history people uniting together against govt/industrial power to support the survival the community. In recent years it has been a center of cannabis cartels and a deeply corrupted environment. 

Ruby Sky is a special soul, bright, full of promise, cheerful, kind and loving- the butterflies would land on her as a little child growing up and animals and people are drawn to her.  Her high school community marched in her name, the young people planned her funeral and gave away hundreds of packets of the symbolic treasures above, her photos, funeral ceremony announcement - sage, abalone, and a ruby heart.   An all community meeting was initiated through Live Power Community Farm before Ruby passed, and was held April 29, 2023. All groups gave offerings and people shared concern for what is happening now in community life and the world. There was  a strong mood from many there to stand up now for the greater, higher good if there is to be a future here for anyone. May Ruby’s spirit bless this soil and and join with hearts of those across the world praying for healing and renewed  commitment to Life, hope, justice and loving good deeds, especially in with this Celebration, May 18, 2023, honoring Creator, CornMother, the Original People of the Americas, all Nature, and All People working in the light for humanity’s future. 

Corn Grandmother Council supporter:   Nancy Jewel Poer, May, 2023



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